Friday, May 19, 2017


Now how does this work? F.E.A.R

F: False. False is something that is not right.
E: Evidence. Evidence is the available body of facts or information indicating whether a believe or          proposition is true or valid.
A: Appear. Appear is coming into sight.
R: Real.Real is existing.

Can you see how deep does each word means? False shows the ultimate truth that something is not right at all. 

Evidence is something that all humankind request when they need to put in their believe into something or someone. It's the evidence that makes the trust factor to grow. Nevertheless, we as humans have tendency to believe in false evidence as we assume that all evidence are true.

This was probably the reason Sherlock Holmes made huge blockbuster. He always find evidence to solve every mystery. That made the whole movie interesting. But guess what? It doesn't work the same way all the time in reality!!

Every legend has a beginning. Little did we know that the beginning must have started with fear for them.

Next is appear. We are so convinced of what appears in front of us. If it is something that we like, we are very much likely to take it as it is. However if it is not appealing to us, we become less interested of it and tend to overlook what seems to be behind it.


And last but not least is real. Real is something that is in front of us. If we do not take things as it is we are not categorized as human beings. Superstitious.


I will be writing up more about this on my next blog. Till then, Love Veronica.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

My Perfect Life

What does perfect meant to you? Is it a combination of having the lifestyle you want?

A BMW 5 series with a landed property worth 5 million, a tall handsome husband or a beautiful homely wife with perfect 2 adorable kids. Does that sound perfect to you?

Every now and then we have fantasies of what we want in life.
The perfect view with perfect drink beside. #awesomeness

                                             But you and me know the truth and reality. 

The reality is we get stuck at life. Things don't happen as we want. Salary will never be enough for our expenses. The worst part is we don't find the right partner in life. Sad but reality.

Let's not be entangled with the worst cases in life. Because I found a beautiful truth in all these chaotic and selfish life. Realization! Yes, you read it right REALIZATION is POWERFUL!!!!
Without realization of the moments we will miss many optimism things in life. 

Let's start with the small things in life. The very small things. Like a leaf.

Did you realize the leaves around you?

A perfect leaf with a perfect green colour.
Not only that, we have the skies above us that is blue in colour. Have you realized how blue it is?

Blue sky above the beautiful lake. 
Ever wondered why God created it blue? 

Realization of all this small things will bring us far in life. All God's creation are to be marveled.
                There us a saying that when you are grateful for small things around you, you will be rewarded with bigger things and especially you will start to realize that life is indeed perfect.

In the end, what we practice being grateful for every single day will be the most powerful ritual to your perfect life. It's never about the money or the vacation or the luxurious house. It's always about attracting the perfect life. Never about pursuing perfect life.

                  That is all from the humble me, Veronica Shamini who leads the perfect life with my loved ones. You make it perfect by attracting perfectness into life.
Till I see you again in my next blog.


Tips for Hacking Your Mind

Hello my lovely readers. Welcome back for another write up of "How To Hack Your Mind". I'm excited for this blog as I person...