Sunday, December 16, 2018

Tips for Hacking Your Mind

Hello my lovely readers. Welcome back for another write up of "How To Hack Your Mind".

I'm excited for this blog as I personally experienced a transformation in my mind and it totally changed the results of my outcome in many different aspects of my life.

There are a lot of Gurus and teachers out there who can teach you how to rewire your brain and get to a state where you can attract what you want. There are so many of them that sometimes you get confused right.

          But if you really study them, you will realize it all comes down to just a few points and you can easily attain what you want in life. Yes, ANYTHING!

Let me introduce my tips for HACKING YOUR MIND as what I have experienced it for the past one year. I am not saying you will need to follow exactly what I have been practicing but it will be a good start.

The number one step to hack your mind is your HABITS!
     Yes, you can read that sentence again.

What do I mean by habits here is, first you need to have a morning routine every single day.
   Now, why is this important? Let me give an example:

"Let's say you start your day without brushing your teeth and having a bath. And then you went straight to work and of course before that you had breakfast. How would you think your body will react and start to feel after a few hours? Stinky and uncomfortable right?"

This is how your mind works. It needs to be taken care of first before you start allowing it to function for the day. You need to hack your mind to do what you want instead of allowing situations, things, people or bulls*** happens to you!

"But what should I do Veron? How to create this morning routine? What can I do exactly?"

I'll share with you what I do exactly and of course this is not something you must do exactly, but you can implement it according to your preference. Pluck and play.

This is how my day starts:
               (My alarm is set at 4.55 a.m)

               5.00 a.m. - Out of bed and into working out clothes to work out

               5.20 a.m. -  Prayer and Bible reading time

               5.40 a.m. - Meditation and Affirmations

               6.00 a.m  - Reading (personal development books)

               6.30 a.m. - Looking at sunrise (this is my personal favourite)

Now how can this simple habit of waking up an hour earlier help hack your mind?
The answer is simply because your mind starts functioning as something called as mirror neurons. You can read that up in a book called "Psychocybernetics". Or you can download it as an e-book.

What happens when you do this for say 30 days continually?
 Your body starts to feel good because of the work out.
Your spiritual life gets better as you spend time with God.
Your life starts to change into a positive life and you will be able to start designing it during your meditations and affirmations moments. 
Your mind starts to expand to a new horizon during your reading moments.

Now can you see how your life starts to change?
You might not see the effects immediately but eventually it will shift your energy, vibrations and it will keep you in the most positive mindset. Even if you come across something negative during the day, the worst that can happen is you will experience a neutral state of mind.

You will start to attract the right people into your life. Your relationship with everyone will start to feel different. You will gain the power to sense other people's vibrations. And when you know you are in a presence of negative vibration, your mind will detect it and you will know how to avoid it instead of letting that affect your mood or your entire day. It's really powerful once you know how to hack and control your mind.

The second tip to hack your mind, have you guessed it yet? 

It's being GRATEFUL

You can't have what you want if you are not grateful for what you have. Yes, this is true! 
Many times we let our mood affect us when we feel sad or low. This happens because you feel the lack of something or it has disturbed your inner peace. 
                   Let me give you an example here:
                        Say your colleague gets a promotion, but deep down you know you worked harder than that person and you deserve that promotion. In this situation, it is very normal to feel so low and unappreciated because you didn't receive what you supposed to receive. But here is how you hack your mind! 
  • Say thank you that you have a job that pays you a salary at the end of the month
  • Say thank you that you have something new to learn that maybe you missed out which enable them to receive it.
Can you see how this will hack your mind and immediately shift your energy. This will create a good feeling within yourself and you will have no time to worry about that promotion because you are so content with yourself.

You don't need anyone's approval to say that you deserve a promotion. You know you are damn good! Give yourself a high five!

These are my 2 tips to Hack Your Mind. It might sound easy and simple, which it actually is. But most of us will never take the time to do it and we allow circumstances to happen to us.

We have the power to hack our mind and immediately change what we think, how we feel and how we choose to response. If you start implementing and do this on a consistent basis, you will start to hack your mind and you will be thankful that you can do that.

Your journey in this life will be amazing because your purpose will start to be clearer, your energy will always be high and you will be seeing the world as a place to really live in. After all, live is short right, so why make it miserable when you can HACK YOUR MIND. 



Thursday, December 13, 2018

The Shoe Has To Fit

Hello my lovely readers. 👋

Welcome back to another write up of my blog and in this blog expect to experience an emotional roller coaster while you read till the end of this chapter.

Did you realize the title today?
Yes "The Shoe Has To Fit" is the title. But I'm not going to talk about shoes here.
Definitely no!!!!!

Well then what am I trying to say through the title? If you would journey with me throughout till the end you might just figure it out in accordance to your emotions. So be prepared to read using your emotions.

As 2018 is coming to an end, looking back at all those 12 months, I was asking this question to myself:
         "Have I achieved everything that I wanted to achieve?"
         " Did I miss out any goals I've written in the early of the year?"

Well the answer was obvious to me, OF COURSE NO!!!! 👀👀
Yes you read it right!

Since it was a pretty straight forward answer and I did not have to think for a long time to get the answer, of course my next question was "WHY?"

Was I too lazy? 

Did I procrastinate a lot?

 Was I not serious about achieving it?

 Was my vision and goals not clear? 

Asking all these questions DID NOT give me a clear picture of why I did not achieve my goals. And to be frank, I was quite upset and I couldn't comprehend much as of why I could not achieve it despite having motivations and I really wanted to make changes in my life.

I'm definitely NOT LAZY!!
I am highly motivated person !
I can be discipline and schedule my own stuffs to do !
I can work really hard and long ! (That's my huge plus point) 👏🙋

As I was reflecting,  I came across T.Harv Eker, a Zero to Millionaire Webinar (which I definitely recommend everyone to participate if you are looking to achieve success in any area of your life).
I will share the link below so you can participate in that free webinar as well.

After watching the webinar, I realized that my shoe did not fit in. I was trying to achieve what I want without loving the process of what I was doing!! 

Yes, let that sentence sink in back.

He said that, " Enthusiasm is the greatest sales factor in existence. When you are not in love with a job or business, you subconsciously look for ways to exit!"

BAMMMMMM!!!!! That Hit Me Hard

Many times I keep asking myself do I love what I am doing or am I just doing this job for money and salary ?

And when I became aware of the shoes I am wearing, I quit my job! It definitely impacted the people around me as they love me and wanted the best for me. 

However when the people who loves you wants the best for you, shouldn't they be happy with the decisions that we make to help elevate ourselves in life? That's when everything changed! 

My shoe started to fit! 

The process of loving what I do began to unfold me a lot of opportunities. 

Ask yourself this question before the year ends, ' Is My Shoe a Fit?"
           If your answer is Yes, Good for you!!!

You are on track and you will definitely achieve what you want. Just a little more of focus and perseverance will elevate you. I'm cheering you on 👋👍

           If your answer is No, find your shoes. When I say shoes here, it can be your job, your opportunity that will help you elevate your life, your studies, your hobbies, your interest. 

What will make you love the process of what you are doing and still give you money, happiness, love and abundance?

Now go find your shoe and fit it in for a new 2019. Have a blessed day 


This is the link for the webinar:

Get yourself enrolled and get that shoes to fit. Let's go!

Saturday, September 2, 2017


Welcome to my thoughts corner Dream Catchers. I'm continuing from my previous post about FEAR.

My previous post can be read from the link below:

Did you know that your thoughts are the main reason fear comes? It took me an incident to actually realize about this. I am an entrepreneur in an online marketplace globally. So as you see I have huge responsibilities in growing my company into a profitable one.

One day as my coach approached me, he said that in the next meeting I will be presenting the business marketing plan to the new prospects. My Gosh!!!! The fear that I had was unbelievable.

I was preparing a lot of stuffs in my head and doing my presentations in front of a mirror. The fear was so real and made me to be so nervous till I went up the stage. But guess what? The moment I was on stage, I became a whole different person. I was comfortable and confident of myself. Of course, the first five minutes was a little awkward as I was engaging with the crowd. But then momentum picked up and I was on a roll.

The moral of the story is, JUST DO IT. Because at the end of the day you will be regretting the chances that you did not take as compared to the ones you take.

It's never about the outcome at all. It was just about the transition from the stage of fear to outcome of overcoming the fear.

Many incidents can take place in our lives. In fact, many life happenings can take place daily and having 7 billion people means having 7 billion fears in different situations. Imagine that!

Now do you really think everyone is still living in fear or at some point they overcome it?

I will continue my thoughts in the next post. Till then would love to hear your comments and thoughts.

Lots of love,

Friday, May 19, 2017


Now how does this work? F.E.A.R

F: False. False is something that is not right.
E: Evidence. Evidence is the available body of facts or information indicating whether a believe or          proposition is true or valid.
A: Appear. Appear is coming into sight.
R: Real.Real is existing.

Can you see how deep does each word means? False shows the ultimate truth that something is not right at all. 

Evidence is something that all humankind request when they need to put in their believe into something or someone. It's the evidence that makes the trust factor to grow. Nevertheless, we as humans have tendency to believe in false evidence as we assume that all evidence are true.

This was probably the reason Sherlock Holmes made huge blockbuster. He always find evidence to solve every mystery. That made the whole movie interesting. But guess what? It doesn't work the same way all the time in reality!!

Every legend has a beginning. Little did we know that the beginning must have started with fear for them.

Next is appear. We are so convinced of what appears in front of us. If it is something that we like, we are very much likely to take it as it is. However if it is not appealing to us, we become less interested of it and tend to overlook what seems to be behind it.


And last but not least is real. Real is something that is in front of us. If we do not take things as it is we are not categorized as human beings. Superstitious.


I will be writing up more about this on my next blog. Till then, Love Veronica.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

My Perfect Life

What does perfect meant to you? Is it a combination of having the lifestyle you want?

A BMW 5 series with a landed property worth 5 million, a tall handsome husband or a beautiful homely wife with perfect 2 adorable kids. Does that sound perfect to you?

Every now and then we have fantasies of what we want in life.
The perfect view with perfect drink beside. #awesomeness

                                             But you and me know the truth and reality. 

The reality is we get stuck at life. Things don't happen as we want. Salary will never be enough for our expenses. The worst part is we don't find the right partner in life. Sad but reality.

Let's not be entangled with the worst cases in life. Because I found a beautiful truth in all these chaotic and selfish life. Realization! Yes, you read it right REALIZATION is POWERFUL!!!!
Without realization of the moments we will miss many optimism things in life. 

Let's start with the small things in life. The very small things. Like a leaf.

Did you realize the leaves around you?

A perfect leaf with a perfect green colour.
Not only that, we have the skies above us that is blue in colour. Have you realized how blue it is?

Blue sky above the beautiful lake. 
Ever wondered why God created it blue? 

Realization of all this small things will bring us far in life. All God's creation are to be marveled.
                There us a saying that when you are grateful for small things around you, you will be rewarded with bigger things and especially you will start to realize that life is indeed perfect.

In the end, what we practice being grateful for every single day will be the most powerful ritual to your perfect life. It's never about the money or the vacation or the luxurious house. It's always about attracting the perfect life. Never about pursuing perfect life.

                  That is all from the humble me, Veronica Shamini who leads the perfect life with my loved ones. You make it perfect by attracting perfectness into life.
Till I see you again in my next blog.


Wednesday, August 13, 2014

When You Know Where You Are

Hello my lovely viewers, how it's been with you?  Hope you guys are doing awesome. 

I would love to share with you guys about something today. Few days back I was pondering about life. Well everyone definitely would have done that at some point in their life. But this time, it was something different. I couldn't help thinking about how life can change each minute, each second day by day.

 Everytime I'm on bed, I think. When I'm in my shower, I keep thinking. When I eat, when I walk from my car, almost most of the time I was thinking. And it just doesn't seem to stop. 

It was bothering me a lot. So I decided to divert my mind by watching movies all the time as I don't want to keep thinking about life. After all, I just like to lay back, enjoy each moment and take it easy. 

However, what came to my realisation was I was not laying back and enjoying each moment and taking everything easy. I had pending task to do, I have my exercise routine that I was not carrying out, I just missed out an opportunity of applying a job,I have hurt people that love me. All these things were going around me.

All of this actually bothers me, and I mean A LOT!! 

So how can I say I am relaxed, unwind and taking it one at a time, right??

How do I make it right? Can i actually make it right? 

 Do we need help in this kind of situations? Or do we help ourselves in such time? Which one is better?

After going through a lot of pondering and wondering and thinking,hmm, I found that I need both. I need help from others and also from my own self.

The catch is this though, when we realise that we can help ourselves first, then you will be a person who knows where you are. 

It defines that you know your needs, your limitations, your strength, your ability and your passion, and you take charge of yourself to bring the best out of you.You just don't settle.

However, when we need help from others, we always go to our loved ones right, like our parents, our spouse, best friends or even cousins. Whoever you feel comfortable sharing and asking for help knowing that they won't judge you.

After all, that's what we as humans need right. We do not want anyone to judge us when we ask for approval of them. That is why we need to keep our circle positive and loving.

Keeping people who really matters in your life shows that you know your worth and the people surrounding you celebrates you for you!

All this happens when you know where you are. 

You might be at the top of your life right now. Having a luxury house, car, clothing and even having the best people all around you. That is very good as you have achieved what most people long for. However, are you really contented with what you have?

You might be in the middle stage of your life. Having minimum income and a middle class lifestyle with your kids and wife. Well who says that's pathetic??  As long as you know where you are, why let others bring you down, because deep inside you know what you have and you are happy with it.

Or you might even be a low income person with not much to do. But deep inside you know that each day you live, you live at the very best even though you can't afford much.

I have seen poor people being much more happy in life compared to the rich ones. 

Sometimes knowing where we are is important. In fact, it opens your eyes to see the world somehow differently. If you know that you are not at the top of your life, you can always create a shift by implementing changes. 

However, knowing your self worth and being happy with it, that is something you can't buy with money.

It's the realisation of knowing where we are that is crucial. It helps define us.

It makes us less judgemental and helps us actually to embrace what we have just because we know where we are. =)

Let's end the week strong peeps and take good care of yourself wherever you are.

PS: Have you told your loved ones that you love them so much? If not please do so, it will definitely brighten up their day and infact brighten up yours too... Because we only have so much time in this world and so little people to let into our lives...

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Criticism - To Accept, To Reject or To Ignore?

What is criticism?

Based on wikipedia, criticism is - the practice of judging the merits and faults of something or someone in an intelligible (or articulate) way.

In a simpler manner, it is a way of verbal communication that is being delivered by the critic(a person) towards a human being, animals, social group, a certain behaviour, object and etc.

For me, I would define criticism as a statement that creates a vibe within yourself when it is directed to us. So when I get that uneasy feeling when a person says something to me and I know it is not something that I would like to hear at all because it has got to do with my behaviour, appearance or whatsoever, I categorise that as criticism.

Now I am not going to talk about criticism given towards a politician, or a society or such, there is so much more; but I want to talk about criticism from a person you live nearby with(a neighbour perhaps or your housemate) or a close family member towards you. Or maybe a critic from your boss in your workplace or from a colleague in your school. Basically,what I want to talk here is criticism from anyone in your circle of life. 

Yes, it is hard to hear a criticism from a person who is close to you. Don't worry, I get that feeling too and have been there before..

 However, what is more important after hearing a criticism is how do we respond to it. How well do we react to that situation even though we are burning inside with all those mixed emotions. 

So, do we accept it, reject it or ignore it?? 

If you have watched the movie Ratatouille, you might remember this guy, Anton Ego who is a restaurant critic.. Why, whenever he says something about food, he always gives a negative feedback.  

As you see, there will always be some people around us who has always been comfortable being a critic their entire life probably.

 Well, it's not like we can do anything about it to make them stop criticising , however, we can do something about it to make sure it does not affect our self esteem or our confidence when we hear it.

Okay, the question is, how do we react??

We accept it? Well, maybe if you are strong enough..

We reject it? Hmm, what if it is a critic that helps build u??

We ignore it? Safest way to escape from this mean world and live without fear.. ;-)

I really wish there was a correct and perfect answer for this, however, the answer solely lies upon us. All three answers above works in a way that you need to respond to criticisms individually based on how it is being meant by the critic.

We can accept a critic when we know what is told could actually benefit us,it gives us a sense of cool emotion when we are being criticised. And later part, that critic makes us to think about ourselves and initiate us to make ourselves better. 

We are also entitled to reject a criticism when we know it is coming from a negative point of view. If say, a person critics about your physical appearance that seems to be a nuisance to them, then that is not coming from a good place. We can immediately choose to either let that sink into us or totally do not give them the power by rejecting what they say to us.

Of course, I do not mean saying it in their face like, "I reject what you say and I don't agree at all. How could you say that, have you even see yourself in the mirror before? ".  I have seen this happen before. Sometimes, it happens between common friends, where a friend critics his/her friend physical appearance, and automatically the offended friend defends him/herself by seeking revenge and it creates a huge argument in the end and everyone ends up being hurt. We want to avoid this situation as much as possible right...

Instead, we could just smile back and say,"Thank you for noticing that, but I think I can pull this off. But I appreciate you say to me and being honest about it. Thank you".

Guess what would happen next, if you reply them with politeness and at the same time showing that it does not affect you?

They will be offended instead. It will give them the sense of awareness that they have hurt you but instead you acted so maturely in front of them. Wouldn't you want to be the bigger person instead? That will be much cooler right!! =)

So how about ignoring a criticism? 

Sometimes, we have to ignore. When? 
Usually, when you feel what is being said does not impact you at all. It does not affect you emotionally neither does it make you feel to better yourself.

Ignoring a criticism usually occur when you are really independent and you know your self-worth,and you are able to self-love yourself instead of worrying too much of others. 

Yes, the above quote says it all in a simple manner. You totally have the power to your own reaction. Just remember to always pause, take a deep breath and think for yourself. Reflect upon what is being said, how it works for you. 

Make your own decision - accept, reject or ignore!

Life is beautiful when you know your own self worth. Keep going even when you feel like you don't want to go on just because someone said something so bad, that it keeps playing at the back of your mind.

Know when to stop. Yes, you are allowed to feel sad and bad, but never ever let it run wild and think and think and keep thinking till you make it so big inside your head and every other things seem so small.

Accept what has happened, accept the criticism, or reject it or you can ignore it,  then the next thing would be to show your true self. Don't be afraid to radiate and be yourself. It is when you are comfortable in your own skin that you can keep going on without having to worry about people's mind, talk, behaviour and anything at all.

In fact, you have a lot more power towards mankind than you have been allowed to believe growing up.

Face life with openness and embrace each minute of it. Life will be yours... 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Priorities in Life

Many of us unconsciously give more or most of our time to pleasure. Pleasure in a sense that we do not realise that it will be accompanied by pain later part. 

Yes, that's right :Pleasure is accompanied by pain if we do not take account for it! 

Pleasure is doing what you feel like doing even though your mind or heart says you should not. At some point in our life later, we are all going to regret what we did for the sake of pleasure.

However, if the pleasure is done after we actually achieve something in our daily routines or in our expertise, then it might be something that we do not regret of. Let's say you got a raise in your job after all that hard work and hours of impressing your boss, definitely you will want to pat yourself with something that will give you a pleasure of your life. And this is not wrong and it won't end up as something you regret doing I bet. =)

Here are some examples that defines giving importance to pleasure:

Not hitting the gym just because you did not want to miss your favourite show on tv!! 

Not studying for that test just because you think there is 2 more days left to go through your notes. So,instead you watch your favourite movie on the television. 

Not rescheduling your time to meet with your clients because you think it's okay to miss a client for once, after all it's not going to affect the entire performance of the company right !

And the list may go on......

That's not good at all. In fact, you will definitely end up regretting that you misused the time. After all once time is gone, you can't get it back at any cost. No matter how much we wish we could turn that clock around.  Who wants to be in that position right??? 

Time is money. Yes, we have all heard that quote from somewhere at least once in our life. But the BIG question is : What are we doing with the time we have right now? 

  • Is it being used wisely?
  • Does it give me benefit when I have used all of that time?

Why is it always hard to start doing something in the beginning??

Based on my personal experience in life, I find that when we start doing something useful in our life, it's at that particular time when our subconscious mind will deceive us in doing unworthy things or other unimportant stuffs. Blame our mind huh.. ;-)
I believe it all comes back to controlling our desire and ourselves.

When we can take control of our actions, then we take control of our reactions as well. Everything is well embedded within us. 
As long we decide and take action right away thinking about the end in mind!

It is always hard in the beginning, but when you reach the end trust me it will be easy and you will thank yourself for using your time in that beneficial way. 

The moment when you realise everything in life is temporary and you want to make good use of what is left and be one of the top productive people in the world. Yes, YOU! Why not be one of the top 20% of the productive people in the world??

I won't say that it is impossible to throw away your pleasure fulfilling desires, but it is possible by taking small steps to disregard it. After all we are normal human beings, it will take huge determination and willpower and also a strong discipline within us to fully create a lifetime that will give us the ultimate happiness.

Have a wonderful day and spend your time wisely =)

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Strangers into Acquaintances

Were you surrounded by unfamiliar faces, unknown people and weird looks given by people around you when you try to talk to them?? Yes you tend to freak out, and get a little nervous about it. 

My God!! How should I react? What should I say??

But did you know that at the same time, those people you were nervous and uncertain about actually feels the same way towards you too? I guess knowing this would mean a lot to you now right. Well it did to me though.  

When I finally realised that the person standing right in front of me also was having the same wild running thoughts of what to say to me, what to do next, instead this person handled it in a very well mannered. Hmm, sounds pretty tough to handle right, but actually it is not at all, once you know what you are doing.

What I realised was three things in this person whom handled being around me although I was a complete stranger.
  • The person was attentive (totally no interruption)
  • The person smiled a lot( and I mean a lot!! )
  • The person only kept the conversation positive even though it was not supposed to be
"Positive thinking will let you do anything better than a negative thinking will"-Zig Zaglar

When I started to apply these three basic principles that I learned, I started feeling comfortable almost with every new person whom I met that day. It eventually boost my confidence level and gave me no more sweats. I started nodding and listening to the other person rather than thinking in my head what should I say next. I started to link everything the person say and to my surprise I did not have to think of what to say next, because I fully understand what he/she meant, so I just have to continue from there on. 

To add on my surprise of communicating with these people, they tend to give me back the same respect, attention and mutual understanding that I wanted in the first place. It's like I get what I give!

I know I am not perfect yet, but I am still perfecting my other skills though. The world out there has so much of opportunities of learning and it never ends. But I am excited to explore more!!!

Hey, if you have something to say about how you deal when you meet a person for the first time, let me know. Sharing it would be awesome to, and learning different things would be great. 

Tips for Hacking Your Mind

Hello my lovely readers. Welcome back for another write up of "How To Hack Your Mind". I'm excited for this blog as I person...